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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Napa Flotilla 52, Volunteers in Napa River Coastal Cleanup

On September 11, 2021, USCG Auxiliary, D11N, Division 5, Napa Flotilla 52 members served together to help remove litter from a section of the Napa River, in Napa, California.

A total of 27 USCG, USCG Auxiliary, guests, and a representative from the Napa County Resource Conservation District, collected 78 pounds of litter, preventing the litter from entering and polluting storm drains.

At the beginning of the event, there was a commemoration and moment of silence, for the victims of 9/11 who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, in New York City, NY, The Pentagon, in Washington DC and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The following are a few pictures of the cleanup event, which were photographed by Allison Armstrong, Armstrong Creative Co. 


USCG Station Vallejo / USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 52 Napa Coastal Clean Up 2021

Napa Flotilla 52 Boat Crew Academy – March/April 2022

Napa Flotilla 52 Boat America Public Education Class – May 2022

Napa Flotilla 52 Flotilla Fellowship

Napa Flotilla 52 Change of Watch Pictures